ENCCA, a project aiming to improve the quality of life of children, teenagers and young adults with cancer by efficiently structuring collaboration within the paediatric oncology community in Europe. The ENCCA project funded by the…
ENCCA - The European network for cancer research in children and adolescents impacts strongly on European Policies
Austrian research institute takes over international research project to set new standards in fungal diagnostics.
(Picture: Research team of the Molecular Microbiology & LabDia Labordiagnostik / Copyright: Gerhard Wasserbauer) FUNGITECT – An ambitious project under the leadership of the St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute funded by the European…
The co-occurrence of two gene mutations is linked to relapse in childhood leukemia
St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute: New research discoveries facilitate future therapies Leukemia, the most frequent cancer in children and adolescents, can be cured with modern chemotherapy in 80% of cases, indicating that up to…
Press Release: Development of new approaches in bone cancer therapy
St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute: Development of new approaches in bone cancer therapy Scientists at St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute are studying the basics of bone cancer. Based on their novel insights…
The 2014 SIOPEN Annual General meeting (hosted by CCRI) took place in Vienna from 8-10 October 2014. For more details please go to siopen.org …
Austria pioneers treatment of pediatric cancer
Press conference at St. Anna Children´s Hospital on 3. June 2014 In 2013 The Lancet Oncology published the results of a European study (» EUROCARE-5) according to which children in Europe who are diagnosed…
In memoriam Andreas Heitger, 8 November 1959 – 5 May 2014
It is with great sadness that we, the members of the Children's Cancer Research Institute and the St. Anna Children's Hospital, inform you that our colleague and dear friend Ass. Prof. Dr. Andreas Heitger passed…
Hands-on Science: Wissenschaft für Kinder
Was machen ForscherInnen mit Pipette, Mikroskop und Co? In der aktuellen Ausgabe der SONNE - Die Zeitschrift der Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe (4/13) präsentieren WissenschafterInnen der St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung Wissenschaft zum Ausprobieren, Angreifen und Erleben. Im Juni fand…
Kapsch to support the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute
Vienna, September 10, 2013 – Since the start of this year, there has been a sponsorship agreement between the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute and the Kapsch Group. With a donation of EUR 300,000…
Paediatric Cancer Research at the INTERFACE
On June 7-8, 2013, the international symposium "Paediatric Cancer Research at the INTERFACE" took place at the historic venue of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria, organised by the Children´s Cancer Research Institute…