The Vienna based biotech company APEIRON Biologics AG supports the clinical development of an immune therapy against high-risk neuroblastoma in paediatric patients that is being conducted by the CCRI and the European Neuroblastoma Research Network…
Press conference: Oncology Alliance: Apeiron and CCRI join forces to battle neuroblastoma in children
"KLIF” Project: Visit of Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle, Federal Minister of Science and Research, at the CCRI
Photo Copyright: HBF / Regina Aigner (from left to right) DI Dagmar Denk, Federal Minister Töchterle, Prof. Gadner, MD, Assoc. Prof. Ladenstein, MD, Prof. Kovar, PhD Projects submitted for the "KLIF" call must involve…
Press conference on the European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA)
Riccardo Giacometti (Dir. hotels Bristol and Imperial), Assoc. Prof. Ruth Ladenstein (St. Anna Children's Hospital, ENCCA coordinat., CCRI), Prof. Heinrich Kovar, PhD (CCRI Scientific Dir.), Prof. Helmut Gadner, MD (CCRI Dir.) Kick-off press conference…
Promoting ENCCA at the European Parliament in Brussels at the International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
On Childhood Cancer Awareness Day on 9th Febr. 2011, all relevant stakeholders from the European paediatric oncology community, including patients and families through ICCCPO addressed burning issues with "a single voice" at EU Parliament. Downloads…
Press conference at CCRI: Childhood cancer – Communicating the areas of conflict
(From left to right) Prof. Helmut Gadner, MD (CCRI Dir.), Assoc. Prof. Michael Dworzak (St. Anna Children’s Hospital), Prof. Heinrich Kovar, PhD (CCRI Scientific Dir.), Eva Frey, MD (St. Anna Children’s Hospital), Assoc. Prof. Ruth…
Woman Award 2010
Assoc. Prof. Ruth Ladenstein, MD, MBA, cPM, won the first place “Woman Award 2010” in the category “Technology & Research” which took place at the eighth time at the Viennese business club k47. Ruth…