(May 2022): Congratulations to Elise Sylvander on receiving a DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The aim of her fellowship is to (further) develop a molecular on-switch allowing to activate therapeutic CAR T…
Elise Sylvander earns prestigious DOC fellowship
AustroVirology Symposium 2020
ZANDR Opening Symposium on 11th October 2019
On October 11th 2019, the new zebrafish platform Austria for preclinical drug screening (ZANDR) at CCRI had its opening symposium (www.zandr-ccri.at). Amongst others, we had Randy Peterson, a pioneer in zebrafish compound screening, from Salt…
New factor in the development of childhood lymphoma
The immune system is highly complex and a detailed understanding of many underlying mechanisms is still lacking. Only the precise interaction of a variety of factors guarantees a reliable and correct immune response in a…
Congratulations on the appointment of Prof. Ladenstein to the EU Horizon Europe Mission Board for Cancer!
The European Commission announces top experts to shape Horizon Europe missions: EU Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas has now announced the experts who, as members of the "Mission Boards", will play a decisive role in shaping…
Zwischen Immunität und Krebsentstehung: Wiener Wissenschaftler entdecken neuartiges Immundefizienz-Syndrom
Erstmals konnte ein bisher unbekanntes Immundefizienz-Syndrom nachgewiesen werden, das auf einer verminderten Funktionalität des Enzymkomplexes Polymerase δ beruht und wichtige Erkenntnisse zur adaptiven Immunität und Krebsentstehung bringt. Dieses Enzym ist eine wesentliche Steuereinheit in der…
Hope for Children and Dogs with Bone Cancer
The CCRI is happy to publish the following announcement from the Animal Cancer Foundation (ACF, http://acfoundation.org/), granting an award to our PI Dr. Sabine Taschner-Mandl together with her Partner Dr. Cordula Gabriel from the University of…
An Unexpected Developmental Hierarchy in an Unusual Disease
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease affecting primarily young children. While LCH may heal by itself without treatment in some patients, others require intensive chemotherapy and suffer from long-term consequences, or may even…
Neue Erkenntnisse zu Krebs- und Autoimmunerkrankungen durch seltenen Gendefekt
Auch wenn Autoimmunerkrankungen häufig vorkommen, fehlt uns in vielen Fällen ein Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen. In einer neuen Studie konnte das Team von Kaan Boztug über die Entdeckung einer neuen seltenen Erkrankung jetzt ein Schlüsselmolekül…
New publication on immundeficiency caused by IL-6-receptor mutations
Loss of the interleukin-6 receptor causes immunodeficiency, atopy, and abnormal inflammatory responses Thaventhiran, J., Spencer, S., Kostel Bal, S., Egner, W., Lango Allen, H., Syed, I. R., Ma, C. A., et al. Journal of Experimental Medicine…